Tag: school
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care
March 12, 2021
My child had COVID-19…when can they return to sports?
Following a positive COVID-19 test, your child will need to be isolated for 10 days and be fever free for 24 hours before returning...Continue Reading
August 27, 2019
When Can My Child Go Back To School?
It is always a tough call for us parents! Your child has been diagnosed with the flu, impetigo, strep, or some other contagious illness....Continue Reading
August 13, 2019
Back to School: Preventing Head Lice
There are a few habits you can teach your child that will help prevent lice: Encourage them not to borrow their classmates’ hats, scarves,...Continue Reading
December 16, 2017
Does Your Child Need to be Tested for RSV?
RSV, short for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, is one of the cold viruses seen every year with a season extending from about October through March....Continue Reading
March 15, 2016
Where to take your child: ER or Pediatric Urgent Care?
Imagine your child is ill or has just sustained an injury. How do you know whether you should go to the Emergency Room or...Continue Reading
August 6, 2015
Enter to Win a $5 Starbucks Gift Card
Update: This is the last week of the contest! Hey Everybody! At the Back to School Expo last weekend, our awesome MA, Redd, posed...Continue Reading
August 5, 2015
Back 2 School Expo Fun
Our staff had a wonderful time at the Back 2 School Expo on Saturday, August 1st! Check out some of our pictures from the...Continue Reading
August 4, 2015
Is Picky Eating Hiding a Larger Problem?
In the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) September 2015 issue, a new article, titled “Psychological and Psychosocial Impairments in Preschoolers With Selective Eating” tackled...Continue Reading
July 29, 2015
HISD Competes in National Contest
Houston ISD is participating in the 6th annual Energy Star Battle of the Buildings. This competition consists of more that 6500 buildings across the United States trying...Continue Reading
July 29, 2015
Back to School Countdown Begins
As the school year approaches, it is time to get haircuts, immunizations, school supplies and get your child in the “homework” mindset. Seems impossible!...Continue Reading
July 27, 2015
Back To School Bash 2015
The 2015 Back To School Bash will be held Saturday August 8th at the Wonderland Mall of the Americas! A wonderful opportunity to...Continue Reading
July 22, 2015
Back 2 School Expo Returns to San Antonio
Mark your calendars! Low cost vaccinations, free haircuts, and free school supplies will be offered in abundance on August 1st from 9 a.m. to...Continue Reading