Lice are a common back to school illness that can affect children and their families. Very contagious, lice will attach to anyone’s hair whether it be clean or dirty.While it is a nuisance, head lice are not dangerous and can typically be treated at home. If you suspect your child has head lice, go to a doctor for confirmation. The doctor will recommend a medicated shampoo to help get rid of the lice. (If your child is 2 months old or younger, you should not use medicated lice treatments. You’ll need to remove the nits and lice by hand.)
Nits versus Lice
Nits are lice eggs. They look like little tan or brown dots before they hatch (usually hatch within 1 to 2 weeks). A louse (plural “lice”) are what you find after the nits hatch. They are approximately the size of a sesame seed. A nit will be attached to the hair follicle and is not easy to remove. This helps to differentiate from dandruff and nits.
Head Checks
It is always good to do regular head checks for lice on your child. Simply part their hair and check for nits or lice. Nits can easily be mistaken with dandruff or dirt. A good way to tell the difference is that nits are firmly attached to the hair
If your child has lice, they might be itching their head, particularly behind the ears or back of the neck.
If lice are discovered, check with your doctor with what to do. Typically a combination of medicated shampoo and combing out the hair is recommended.
If you think your child has head lice, bring them to Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care. With 10 locations in San Antonio and two in Houston, Little Spurs is open seven days a week and is ready to take care of all your child’s minor emergencies!