So much has changed since we first found out about Coronavirus (now known as COVID-19) back in December 2019/January 2020. We have gone from looking at it from a distance to staring at it closely as it reveals itself in our own backyards.
The United States has had a dramatic surge in the number of cases and now has more confirmed cases than any other country in the world. Here in our great state of Texas, we have over 11,000 reported cases and sadly over 200 deaths.
Having said that, children have continued to prove incredible resilience against COVID-19. While children may in fact contract COVID-19, it seems that the risk level for them is much lower than for us adults. Here in the United States, as of the day of this posting, there have only been 3 reported deaths in children. While low, this is still very sad news. Admittedly, due to how quickly everything has unfolded, there are not a lot of medical studies on children with COVID-19. A recently pre-published article in the Journal of Pediatrics stated that out of 2200 children that were tested due to high suspicion, a very low percentage of them had a severe form of the disease compared to almost 20% of all adults.
There are some theories out there: Do kids have higher levels of antibodies against many viruses? Do they just have different responses because their immune system is developing? We simply don’t know yet. We do know, however, that infants less than 12 months of age, children with Asthma/ Chronic Lung Disease, Heart Defects/Disease or Immune Disorders are most vulnerable and we need to be extra vigilant and cautious with them.
It is important to keep in mind that even though children seem to be, at least for this moment, spared from the higher mortality rates that we see in adults, they are not completely immune to it. It is of upmost importance that children also practice the recommended precautions and social distancing to the best of their ability in order to keep themselves, their parents, and those vulnerable loved ones safe in such tough times. As we go forward, we can only hope that these theories that kids have “Superpowers” against COVID-19 stands firm! Stay safe everyone!
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care now offers curbside service and virtual visits. Little Spurs opened in 2006 in San Antonio, Texas. With multiple locations in San Antonio and Dallas, they are open seven days a week with extended evening hours and see walk-in patients or through an online check-in system. They accept most commercial insurance and Medicaid plans. More information about Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care can be found at www.littlespurspedi.com.