Trick-or-Treat! Ghost and goblins, pumpkins and candy corn! Halloween has lots of traditions we enjoy every year. At Little Spurs, we want to make this year’s holiday is safe for your children by giving you a few safety tips and tricks:
- Plan for your trick-or-treat route. When possible, visit family and friends for your trick-or-treats.
- Limit street crossings, as much as possible. Stay on the sidewalks and loop around the neighborhood, rather than cross multiple streets. Teach children not to “zigzag” back and forth across the streets.
- Always cross the street at the corners, teaching your child to look both ways before crossing the street.
- Try to dress your child in a bright costume or clothing, but if they are wearing a dark outfit, use bright reflective tape on arms legs and torso for safety. Make sure to carry flashlights. Glow sticks are also a fun option.
- Be very conscientious when choosing your child’s costume. Masks can block your child’s vision. Consider using non-toxic face paint, as an alternative, to a face mask that may obstruct obstacles and cause an injury. Also choose a costume that fits appropriately. If it is too long, it may become a tripping hazard for your child.
- Children under the age of 13 should always trick-or-treat with a parent and/or in small groups. If over the age of 13, they should use a buddy system and always carry a cell phone for emergencies.
- Responsibly handing out candy is also important! Avoid small candy due to choking hazards and avoid items such as peanut M&M’s, and many children may have peanut allergies.
- Do not let kids reach into a jar of candy, if possible, wear gloves and handout the treats to the children.
- Purchase pre-packaged, sealed candy or make small goodie bags to hand out and/or leave them on your front porch.
- Parents should inspect all the candy treats their children receive during trick-or treating. Chose an area with good lighting and discard anything that appears to have been opened or tampered with.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care opened in 2006 in San Antonio, Texas. With multiple locations in San Antonio and Dallas, they are open seven days a week with extended evening hours and see walk-in patients or through an online check-in system. They accept most commercial insurance and Medicaid plans. More information about Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care can be found at www.littlespurspedi.com.