Little Spurs Response to COVID-19 (Mar 2021)

Little Spurs Response to COVID-19 (Mar 2021) - Premier Pediatric Urgent Care Provider in Texas - Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care

At Little Spurs, we are working hard to ensure the safety of our patients and  staff everyday. Our number one priority is the safety of our patients and staff, so we have implemented the following protocols to address COVID-19:

  • We are aware of the new order announced by Texas Governor Greg Abbott that lifts the statewide mask mandate beginning March 10th, 2021. At Little Spurs, we will continue to require that masks be worn by all Little Spurs patients, employees, and guests, per CDC guidelines. We will continue to evaluate this policy as more Texans are vaccinated.
  • Little Spurs offers COVID-19 testing to children and adults up to 64 years old.
  • We now telemedicine visits seven days a week
  • Every morning, each staff member is screened for fever and respiratory symptoms. If they or a member of their family have either, they are sent home to self-quarantine until they are deemed safe to return to work by our Chief Medical Officer.
  • We encourage patients to wait in their car and we will contact them when it is their turn to be seen to reduce time spent in the waiting room. Our online check-in system is also available to reduce time spent in clinic.
  • We have rearranged chairs in the waiting room are spread in clusters of 2 or 3 at least 6 feet apart to minimize patient to patient contact.
  • We have removed books and magazines from the waiting room and patient rooms.
  • We have always been diligent with our decontamination and cleaning procedures. We will continue to ensure that high touch surfaces (door handles, door knobs, countertops, tablets, clipboards, patient rooms, etc.) are regularly cleaned and decontaminated throughout each shift.

If you develop a fever, cough and/or shortness of breath it’s important to seek immediate medical attention by calling your medical provider. Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care has 11 locations in San Antonio and one in Dallas. We are open 9am-9pm Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm Saturday, 10am-6pm Sunday. Walk-in or check-in online now!

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