Cedar Fever Season is upon us and with it are the sniffles, runny eyes, and crankiness that comes with seasonal allergies. Allergies are unusual sensitivity to a substance or substances (allergens). You can minimize your exposure to offending allergens through avoidance. If your child suffers from allergies, here are a few things you can do to help them:
- Allergen Avoidance Tips:
- Cedar allergies becomes worse this time of year. If your child has a cedar allergy, consult their pediatrician and get them started on allergy medication.
- Use high efficiency Particulate Air filters (HEPA) when possible and use (HEPA) vacuum cleaner filters.
- Instead of dusting, wipe counters with damp rags. This gets the pollen out of your house instead of up into the air that your children breath.
- Bathe your pets regularly.
- Be sure to change your AC filter often, at least once a month.
- Keep your windows closed and run the AC when the pollen count is especially high.
- Pollens tend to collect on exposed body surfaces and especially in the hair. Be sure your child changes clothes when they get home from school and wash their face and hands often. Have them take a bath before getting into bed, wash their hair and wash their sheets frequently. The goal is to get the allergens away from your child as much as you can.
- Outside Time:
- It seems strange to advise a parent not to send their kids outside, but if your child is especially affected by cedar or any other outdoor allergies, keep them inside. There are many weather apps where you can check the pollen count and see if today is a good or bad day for your kiddo’s to be outside.
- OTC Remedies
- We always recommend having your child be evaluated for allergies by their PCP.
- Oral antihistamines will relieve nose and eye symptoms. Most of them do not require a prescription.
- Nasal sprays may also be used for prevention but should be at the recommendation of your healthcare provider.
- Nasal washes with warm water or saline nose drops to wash away pollen can be helpful. You can instill 2 – 3 gets in each nostril, followed by blowing the nose or gentle nasal bulb suctioning.
If your child has allergies, you should consult with their primary care doctor on a treatment plan. But if they are not available, bring your child to Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care. With multiple locations in Texas, we are open 7 days a week and see up to the age of 21 years old. We also offer telemedicine to all children.