Kids, at Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care we know that it can be scary to hear about coronavirus! It has certainly changed every kid’s life, from your friends at school, to others in far away countries like China and Italy. Watching the news, looking at social media, or just listening to your parents talk can make you feel stressed out or worried. You are not alone! We are all feeling the same way.
Coronavirus, now known as “COVID-19”, is a new virus which we do not know a lot about. Doctors and scientists are working hard to learn as much as possible so they can keep us safe. Until we understand this virus well, we all have to make some changes in our lives to avoid getting sick or getting other people sick. You may be unhappy that your parent asks you to constantly wash your hands and not touch your face. You may feel worried that your school has closed. You may be sad that you are told to keep distance from your friends or family members because they may or may not be sick. Everyone deals with stress in different ways and it is totally OK to show your emotions. No one will be upset with you if you are clingier, anxious or angry. Remember that your parents will always try to listen to you and give you the love and support that you need.
There are ways to deal with this “new” life. The main thing is to try living your life as close to normal as possible! You may need to do more homework at home to keep up with classes now that schools are closed. You may need to help your parents because they are trying to keep you safe. You may need to try to distract yourself by reading more, and remembering to exercise and play every day. Exercise is good for your brain and your heart! Limit your use of your computers and iPads. Only use them for school or that occasional movie if your parents give you permission!
You do have some responsibilities though! It is up to you to help keep the people of our planet safe and be a super hero! Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you don’t want to count, sing “twinkle twinkle little star”. If you have hand sanitizer, don’t waste it! Try not touching your face or putting your fingers in your mouth! Tell your parent if you feel sick so you can stay away from other people. If you need to cough, do so into your elbow. Show how flexible you are and how much better you are at this than your parents!
These small things make a HUGE difference! Just like you, we all hope that this passes as soon as possible. Here are some resources that you and your parent can visit to have any questions answered:
- Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
- Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
- Responding to Coronavirus in Pediatric Practice: A Message from AAP President Dr. Sally Goza
- From the WHO: Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
- Healthy Children Blog on Coronavirus
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care first opened in 2006 in San Antonio and now has 13 locations in Texas. Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care is owned by a pediatrician, Thomas Spurgat, MD, MBA, who has experience in general and emergency pediatrics.
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care is open Monday through Friday 9am-9pm, Saturday 9am-6pm, and Sunday 10am-6pm. They accept most commercial insurance and Medicaid plans. More information about Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care can be found at www.littlespurspedi.com.
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care is accredited through the Urgent Care Association. Little Spurs is the the only UCA accredited pediatric urgent care group in San Antonio and Dallas.