Help! My Child Has The Flu!

Help! My Child Has The Flu! - Premier Pediatric Urgent Care Provider in Texas - Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care

Your child has flu symptoms of fever, nasal congestion, cough, and body aches!  They feel miserable, tired, and are cranky. What can you, as a parent, do to help them feel better?

If your child has tested positive within 48 hours after flu symptoms have begun, they may be eligible to take Tamiflu. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend Tamiflu for “low-risk” children who have mild flu symptoms. While Tamiflu does NOT “cure” your child, it can help decrease the duration and severity of the illness. Unfortunately, if it is after 48 hours, Tamiflu is not effective in shortening the illness.

So, what else can you do for your child?

  • HYDRATE: Have them drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
  • REST: Try to get your child to rest, and avoid strenuous activity.
  • MEDS: Give your child fever-reducers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

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  • NOSE: For nasal congestion nasal saline drops. Nasal suction sometimes may help infants
  • THROAT: Use home remedies for sore throats such has honey and lemon in children over 1 year of age
  • SCHOOL: Stay home! Children with the flu are very contagious. They should only return to school when they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
  • YOU: Take care of yourself. The flu is very contagious, and you will want to avoid touching your face and make sure to wash your hands frequently.


Typically, the flu will go away after five days. This can be longer or shorter depending on the child. If your child develops a temperature above 101°F late in the illness, see your child’s physician.

Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care sees children from the ages of 0-21 on a walk-in basis. We do offer a “book-ahead” feature that allows parents to save their spot in line. This is NOT an appointment. Little Spurs has 10 locations in San Antonio and two in Houston.

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