Now you can book your visit and get in line before leaving your home. It’s easy! Click the Book Ahead button at your desired location, select your arrival time, and arrive 15 minutes prior to your chosen time. Sit comfortably at home or in your car, and spend less time waiting inside our office to register. Upon arrival, you will complete the check-in process and receive a live waitlist of where you are in line.Please note the following before booking your visit:
- This is NOT an appointment
- Due to the nature of our services, emergencies may arise and some patients may not be seen in the order of arrival.
- This convenient feature is NOT mandatory. We continue to accept walk-in patients during office hours at all locations
- We are an urgent care, and do NOT conduct annual wellness checkups.
- See the FAQs page to learn more.
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care is open 7 days a week and has 12 locations. Please call us at 210.543.7334 if you have any questions.