The holiday season is full of fun and adventure. As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, these adventures may include traveling by car or plane with toddlers. As parents, we understand it can be fun but also challenging. To ease these challenges, we’ve created a list of travel tips for this 2022 Holiday season.
Traveling by Car
- Car Seat- All infants should ride rear-facing in a car seat until they are the appropriate age and height to face forward. Front-facing seats or boosters are recommended for older children.
- Seatbelt- Make sure your child is buckled in with a harness.
- Toys- For safety, children should bring soft toys on car rides.
- Sing-a-long music- Your child’s favorite music will not only help your child keep occupied but it also gives your child a chance to engage in fun during the car ride.
- Breaks- If you’re driving for an extended amount of time, you should stop every 2 hours to give yourself and your child a break (about 15 minutes). Allow child/ren to get out and stretch their arms and legs.
- Snacks- If an adult is not present in the backseat with the child, they should not eat snacks because of choking hazards. Allow the child to eat during breaks.
- NEVER LEAVE CHILD ALONE IN CAR- By any means, don’t leave a child in the car unattended.
- Essentials- Traveling bag should include hand wipes, safe water/snacks, and diaper rash ointment.
Traveling by Plane
- Security- Give yourself and your child/ren enough time to get through security by arriving early. Explain to children about the security process, so they know what to expect.
- Children under 2- Technically, the FAA does not require a ticket for children under 2 years old, and they can be held on the parent’s lap. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all children have their own seat and be seated in a car seat. Make sure your car seat is certified for use in airplanes. (https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Flying-with-Baby.aspx)
- Car seat- For children over two, a car seats is allowed into airports. It is still recommended for your child to be seated in their car seat during your flight, but car seats can also be checked in with luggage. If you do this, be sure that your car seat is in a sturdy box to avoid damage during the flight.
- Toys- Pack toys to keep the child occupied and seated during the duration of the flight.
- Strollers- They are allowed in airports and through security checkpoints, and can be checked at the gate.
- Breastmilk/Formula- Most airports have a no liquid rule, but breastmilk and water for formula is allowed. Let TSA know that you have these when going through security.
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care opened in 2006 in San Antonio, Texas. With multiple locations in San Antonio and Dallas, they are open seven days a week with extended evening hours and see walk-in patients or through an online check-in system. They accept most commercial insurance and Medicaid plans.