Stay up to date with Little Spurs
December 17, 2015
Little Spurs Gives Back
This holiday season our company participated in the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program in San Antonio and Houston! Altogether we sponsored 74 children! Also...Continue Reading
November 13, 2015
Flu Season: How to Protect Yourself and Your Kids
Little Spurs Pediatric Urgent Care has two influenza vaccine options for the 2015-2016 Flu Season The Vaccine (for ages 6 months old and up) The...Continue Reading
October 5, 2015
Little Spurs Costume Contest
Enter our Costume Contest on Facebook this month! Voting is open until Halloween!Continue Reading
September 24, 2015
When Should I Take My Child to an Urgent Care?
As the former Medical Director at the largest Pediatric Emergency Center in San Antonio, I became acutely aware of the number of children brought...Continue Reading
September 14, 2015
Child Passenger Safety Week
Its Child Passenger Safety Week! To kickoff our week, heres a link to KidsandCars.org, a site that is all about how to keep your child...Continue Reading
September 8, 2015
Ear Infections in Kids
What Causes An Ear Infection? Ear infections can occur when fluid becomes trapped in the middle ear and then becomes infected by bacteria or a...Continue Reading
September 5, 2015
Hazards in the Home
Its Baby Safety Month! Here are some tips to child proof your home: Tip #1. Look out for loose cords! This can be window...Continue Reading
August 31, 2015
Baby Safety Month
Tomorrow is the beginning of Baby Safety Month! Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter this week for Hazards in the Home to...Continue Reading
August 13, 2015
Like Our Schertz Clinic’s Facebook Page!
Our last clinic’s Facebook page is finally up! Located in Schertz, our clinic is right off of IH 35 and has a beautiful underwater...Continue Reading
August 6, 2015
Enter to Win a $5 Starbucks Gift Card
Update: This is the last week of the contest! Hey Everybody! At the Back to School Expo last weekend, our awesome MA, Redd, posed...Continue Reading
August 5, 2015
Back 2 School Expo Fun
Our staff had a wonderful time at the Back 2 School Expo on Saturday, August 1st! Check out some of our pictures from the...Continue Reading
August 4, 2015
Is Picky Eating Hiding a Larger Problem?
In the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) September 2015 issue, a new article, titled “Psychological and Psychosocial Impairments in Preschoolers With Selective Eating” tackled...Continue Reading
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